Myth & Truth

Dr., I'm feeling so tired & uncomfortable for the past 2 days...(now in end of 7th month of pregnancy)...I'm eating healthy food only...swelling of the feet still continues...i have increased in weight the tiredness due to weight gain?... what to do dr.....? Regards,


- Avanya Kaarthiban


Dear Avanya,


First forget that you are pregnant and never start counting down the date of delivery. The delivery dates the D.O.Gs have given you is a childish one that comes out of their utter ignorance. The delivery will take place on time, at home even in your sleep. Take away the fear of pregnancy from your mind. By God’s grace your tiredness will go and you will be ok. And just for 2 days you are tired. Why this should cause fear in you? Eat well and cool down.  And yes, take mutton, chicken and fish in any form you like. Let the weight increase. It is a sign of mental prosperity. But the tiredness will go. Tell me how you feel after 2 days and once you are comfortable seek in your prayer: O God, increase my faith in you!


For consultation, please contact: 
Mr. A S Ahmad Khan
(+91) 98404 98898
Latest Myth & Truth
Dear Dr Rahman, I am Sundar, Male 51 years, residing at Bangaliore. Ihappen to be a diabeticfor 13 years (poor control!) with a bit of BP and cholestrol. About 2 months back i had a viral infection with joints pain all over my body. The fever went away in a few days, but the joints pain continued. I was told by my GP that this would gradually go away in a few weeks/months. Took some ayurvedic supplements (suggested by the same allopath GP) Ten days later, the joints pain subsided, but my hands and feet became numb, with pricking pain. The GP attributed this to the viral infection and advised to take mecobalamin(B12) tablets/injection, and continued with more ayurvedic supplements.(Dhanavantri & Bruhat chintamani) Meanwhile i met a neurologist for a second assessment, and went through a 'motor nerve conduction test" and was diagnosed as: 1. predominantly motor polyneuroradiculopathy (mixed type) affecting lower and upper limb nerves 2. severe bilateral median neuropathy at the level of wrist consistent with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome The neurologist said this was mostly due to the viral infection, but could be because of poor diabetes control(fast:190, PP:300) also. he added that there was no cure, and that the body would have to heal on its own. My numbness and pain has not subsided, am now trying homeopathy for a week for a cure. would request your assessment and advice, shall be able to come to Chennai for a personal consultation Thanks and have a good day! cordially, Sundar Ramanujam --By Sundar Ramanujam
Please contact:
98404 72736.