Myth & Truth
Good morning sir !!I have one question .Many people are making sin and they worry when they get punishment .the favourites quote by Thiruvalluvar say "pirapirkum ellam uyirkum "all the living being is right to live but people are killing and eating the deadly animal flesh to fulfill their stomach .dont you think that it's a sin ??in quaran itself clearly said animal should not slaughtered unless when the man suffer from hunger without having anything to eat .Md.nabi appeared in desert land so there way to get all the veggies and fruits where the people ate flesh to survive but in India food are available in abundant source so why here suppose to eat animal flesh which is alien to stomach ?? Clarify me
--By Dinesh kumar
If you listen only to the answer from your conscience, definitely you will have the answer: Our digestive system is designed to assimilate both vegetarian foods and vegetarian animal flesh, and fruits. .
And the grazing livestock He has created for you; in them is warmth and benefits, and from them you eat.